The Dos and Don’ts of Dating in Nacogdoches
Katie Madsen
If someone gets your number at either The Shack, Annex, or Bullfrogs and you don’t hear from them that night, they aren’t interested. Don’t text them or stalk them on Facebook. Better luck next time.
Don’t expect a relationship when you wear revealing clothing. Guys or girls! Leave some mystery. No girl wants to get to know a guy with no shirt on at the bar and no guy wants to get to know a girl that flaunts her stuff to everyone around.
Guys: Don’t take your date to Flashbacks so you can bond over 17 shots of vodka. No girl is going to be impressed that you can drink a lot. She will be too drunk to notice and then you will have a passed out girl in your truck to take her home, not to bed. And girls, any guy that takes you on a binge drinking date is obviously after one thing.
Girls: don’t gossip about other girls in front of guys. Although you think that they will be less attracted to whomever your talking about, your wrong. They will be less attracted to you.
If you are interested in someone and get their number, text or call them. They gave it to you for a reason. BUT don’t ask them to hang out right away. Ask them out for the following day or a few days later. It will give you both something to look forward to.
Guys: spend a little money on your first date. She knows your a struggling college student. She doesn’t expect you to go broke the first date, but make her feel comfortable. You can decrease the spending amount next time.
If you are into someone, SHOW THEM. People cannot read your mind. If you don’t go for it then you will most likely see them out with someone else next weekend.
Date Levels of Nacogdoches
Beginner level - Go on a lunch date - Cotton Patch is fine or Bullfrogs (yes it is a restaurant too).
The famous “Talking” level - Don’t get too attached. “The Talk” hasn’t happened so don’t get upset when you see them with someone else. Out-do the “other guy” and take them somewhere Jalepeno Tree or Clear Springs.
The Exclusive Stage - Don’t keep it in the dorm room. Go out together. Be seen in public together. Show each other off. Go the bar together. Drink together. Have fun. YOUR SEARCH IS OVER!
The Serious Couple - Auntie Pastas is where the serious couples go. They aren’t the old married couple yet, but they mean a lot to each other. Get a glass of wine and order some dessert!
For Girls
Teasing is bad for your hair.
Tanning leads to cancer. Cancer is painful. Trust me. (More people are diagnosed with skin cancer than lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer combined per year).
Short dresses/skirts don’t look good on everyone.
If your going to dye your hair, keep up with it. Roots aren’t attractive.
If you are a freshmen, the hot frat boy IS trying to sleep with you. He doesn’t care what your major is or where your from.
Listen to other girl’s advice about certain guys. They are most likely telling the truth. Listening to them will save your heart and your reputation.
For Guys
Girls don’t want to date a guy with longer hair than them.
Sleeping around may be cool to your friends, but to girls, your just as big of a slut as a girl who does it.
If you get shot down, move on. Coming back to try again is pathetic.
Make sure she is 18 please.
You are responsible for paying for the dates, sorry.
Don’t forget her birthday or your anniversary. Its just a day to you, but it is a huge deal to her.
If you are at The Shack, Annex, or Bullfrogs and you start dancing with a girl and she moves, she doesn’t want to dance with you. Do not, I repeat do not follow her.
Bragging is boring. Keep it short and ask her about herself.